Sunday, 23 January 2011

Let the illustration begin...

The box.



Rusted tin can, goat skin drum thing.


Dog poo bag.

Map of Bournemouth.

For my illustration brief i had to choose a box at random and
illustrate the items inside by playing around with them and

50 Drawings...

Various materials and methods-some better
than others.

I didnt actually complete 50 bad!

This was my first task in illustration..with the items
in my box i had to play around with them and combine
them into little scenes and scenarios. Then i had to draw
them in different medias and materials and processes
every week depending on what number i threw on a dice.
This method of work was really useful actully because it
took you out of your comfort zone and let you explore
different approaches to creating work than what you
would normally do.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Pathway Illustration sketchbook..

Attempt at fashion illustration-researching the different genres
of illustration.

Quite pleased with this actually.

Messing about with image, text and love it or hate it coloured vinyl.

Current favourite artist-illustrator Dave kinsey.

Artist inspiration and information-Claes Oldenberg.

Going crazy with materials- this page consists of brown paper,
butterick measurement paper,vintage  domino graphic paper
tracing paper, black indian ink, black acylic, wax,tea bag, and

Just a few examples of my illustration work in my sketchbook.
I really enjoy illustration, just experimenting and drawing with
various materials and processes. This sketchbook is probably
one of the best and most designed i have done-i cant stand a
bland sketchbook, it makes me depressed.

Exploratory sketchbook...

Observation drawing from summer project.

Constructed textiles.

Composition day.

Stitched textiles...worst sketchbook page i have
ever assembled.

Artist research.

These are a few of my sketchbook pages from
exploratory stage. The theme was narratives in
which we had to come up with 5 outcomes in
each workshop...i learnt quite a few skills
throughout this stage.

Life drawing in Foundation...

Paint edition.

First EVER attempts at life drawing the human was daunting
and i definetly need way more practice but i quite enjoyed learning
the basics.
Most were unfinished which frustrated me because i cant stand half arsed

3d things i made...

A book a folded and folded and folded some more..and tied
together with string and stitching.

Lost count how many times i had to tie this..

The blue and light brown string represent the sea and sand on
the west coastline.

I made these in a 3d class we had every thursday. We had to
incorporate a narrative to the pieces we made as well.
Mine was my journey to college everyday.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Favourite websites for the occasional inspiration...

Some life drawing sixth form

This coral poppy in colored pencil took me an eternity to complete..

Why?...dismal mounting too!

These are some attempts at various life drawings while i was in
sixth form...
The theme was internal structures and nature Yaaawwn.

Trip to Derwentwater...

House in the wilderness and letters in the landscape....